

Sardinia, an Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea, is globally known for the production of high-quality wines, a tradition rooted in the island's long and vibrant history. The island's wine production has been shaped by various cultures over many centuries, including Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, and Spanish, all of which have left their distinctive marks on the region's viticulture. Sardinia's wine production has two distinct approaches. One focuses on the production of single-varietal wines such as the renowned Cannonau and Bovale, while the second approach revolves around the production of broader denominations that encompass the entire vineyard. The island's wine production is not only limited to high-alcohol red wines; it also includes elegantly refined whites like Vermentino di Gallura DOCG. Dessert wines are also a significant part of Sardinian wine production, with popular offerings derived from Muscat and Malvasia grapes, such as Moscato di Sorso/Sennori and Malvasia di Bosa.

Region Sardinia
Country Italy
Climate and soil Sardinia's climate is characterized by its Mediterranean nature, with long, dry, and hot summers and short, rainy winters, except in higher regions. The island's average annual temperatures range between 18°C in the coastal areas and 14°C inland, where the temperature variations are more significant. The rainfall is moderate during the autumn-winter season, limited in spring, and nearly non-existent during the summer months. However, the island can experience heavy rainfall, cold winds, and drastic temperature changes between February and March, which can potentially affect the vines' vegetative awakening. Dominant winds include the Mistral from the northwest, mainly affecting the island's western sector, and the warm, swirling Garbino and Scirocco winds that blow over the southern coasts. The island's soil is diverse and varies from sandy and granular in the coastal areas to clay and limestone in the inland regions. This diversity contributes to the unique characteristics of the wines from each sub-region.
Red grape varieties Bovale, Cannonau, Carignano, Girò, Monica, Pascale di Cagliari, Sangiovese
White grape varieties Malvasia di Sardegna, Moscato Bianco, Nasco, Nuragus, Torbato, Vermentino, Vernaccia di Oristano
DOCG Vermentino di Gallura
DOC Alghero, Arborea, Cagliari, Cannonau di Sardegna, Carignano del Sulcis, Girò di Cagliari, Malvasia di Bosa, Mandrolisai, Monica di Sardegna, Moscato di Sardegna, Moscato di Sorso-Sennori, Nasco di Cagliari, Nuragus di Cagliari, Sardegna Semidano, Terralba, Vermentino di Sardegna, Vernaccia di Oristano
IGT Barbagia, Colli del Limbara, Isola dei Nuraghi, Marmilla, Nurra, Ogliastra, Parteolla, Planargia, Provincia di Nuoro, Romangia, Sibiola, Tharros, Trexenta, Valle del Tirso, Valli di Porto Pino

Sardinia Wines