Pascale di Cagliari

Pascale di Cagliari
Grape variety Pascale di Cagliari
Synonyms pascal, barbera.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Pascale di Cagliari, a distinctive red grape variant, has its roots deeply embedded in the fertile soils of Italy. Its exact origin remains a topic of debate among viticulturists but its close resemblance to the Tuscan Giacomino grape has led many to believe that they might be related, or possibly, the same vine, subsequently hybridized and localized. The trade relations between the two regions further support this theory, especially considering the grape is referred to as Giacomino in Gallura.
Ampelographic features Leaf: Generally medium to large in size, roundish, typically five-lobed or trilobate; Petiole sinus in a lyre shape, closed or semi-closed, moderately deep; Upper U-shaped sinus, open, moderately deep side sinuses; Lateral sinuses absent or V-shaped, open, shallow. The leaf's upper side exhibits a rich green hue, water-colored and coarse; The underside is a paler green, slightly flaky; Wavy leaf blade; Central and lateral lobes are involute, with the apex of the central lobe and the side lobe being dull and straight respectively; The main veins on the underside of the leaf are green and arachnoid. The teeth are regular, arranged in 1, 2 or 3 rows, with medium to large size, straight or slightly convex, with narrow sinuses.
Bunch: Usually large, semi-tight or semi-spatulate, cylindrical-conical, often with wings and pyramidal; The stalks are green in color; The peduncle is short, thick and semi-woody; The pedicels are medium in length and thickness, and are colored slightly green or pinkish; The berry is very dark, medium to large, slightly veined in pink; The brush is medium or large, lightly veined in pink; The separation of the berry from the pedicle is normal.
Berry: Almost large, round, with a regular circular cross section; The peel is semi-thick, somewhat hard, black-purple in color, medium or very pruinose, with a light-colored navel; The flavor is mild or almost simple, with colorless juice; The grain is medium, regular, sometimes with poor sweet or green acinellation.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Pascale di Cagliari grape is a vibrant ruby red. It offers a vinous taste profile, exuding a gentle, tannic, and refined palate.