Vernaccia di Oristano

Vernaccia di Oristano
Grape variety Vernaccia di Oristano
Synonyms Vernaccia bianca di Oristano, Oristanese, Guarnaccia.
Grape colour White grape
History The Vernaccia di Oristano grape, native to the island of Sardinia, Italy, has a rich and complex history. The origins of this grape are still veiled in mystery, with some suggesting it was brought to Sardinia during the Roman era, while others believe it has always grown here. The name Vernaccia may have Latin roots, with 'ver' translating to 'spring', or 'vitis vernacula' meaning 'native vine'. Alternatively, the grape's name may have evolved from the French grape Grenache or its Catalan equivalent, Garnacha. The Vernaccia di Oristano is distinct from the Vernaccia di San Gimignano despite sharing a similar name.
Its cultivation and recognition have been a significant part of Sardinia’s viticultural heritage, particularly in the province of Oristano.
Ampelographic features The Vernaccia di Oristano grape vine displays medium to small, orbicular, trilobate leaves. The leaf surface is smooth, glossy, and rich green in color, with a slightly wrinkled texture. The underside of the leaves is almost whitish due to a cotton-like coating. The teeth of the leaves are regular and arranged in one or two series. The grape bunches are medium in size, cylindrical-conical in shape, and semi-tight. The grapes themselves are medium to small, round, and exhibit a greenish-yellow color with golden hues.
The peel of the grapes is of medium thickness and consistency, covered in a very pruinose, waxy coating. The pulp is juicy, with a neutral yet slightly tart taste.
Characteristics of the wine The Vernaccia di Oristano grape produces a unique, amber-hued wine. It boasts a powerful, ethereal aroma, characterized by distinctive notes of oxidation. The wine's structure is robust and rich, offering a pleasing balance of sweetness. The strong alcohol content contributes to the overall taste experience, adding to the wine's intense aromatic persistence. This wine is a true reflection of its Sardinian origin, displaying both strength and elegance.