Valdichiana Toscana DOC is a red wine with a bright ruby color, often tending towards garnet with aging. It has a fruity aroma, enriched with notes of spices and a slightly earthy undertone. On the palate, it presents a full-bodied, balanced taste with moderate acidity, making it a pleasant and easy-to-drink wine.


The Valdichiana Toscana DOC was established relatively recently, in 2011, as a recognition of the high-quality wines produced in the Valdichiana area. The region has a rich winemaking history that dates back to the Etruscan era.

Geographical Production Area

Valdichiana Toscana DOC is produced in the Valdichiana valley, located in the heart of Tuscany. The area is characterized by a temperate climate, with mild winters and hot summers. The soil composition varies from sandy and loose to clay-rich and calcareous, contributing to the unique characteristics of the wine.