
Grape variety Voskeak
Grape colour White grape
Synonyms Voski, Voskehat
History The Voskeak grape, also known as Voski or Voskehat, is an ancient variety native to Armenia. Its history dates back thousands of years and it is considered one of the oldest grape varieties in the world. The name 'Voskeak' translates to 'Golden Seed' in Armenian, a nod to the golden color of the mature grape.
Voskeak has been cultivated since antiquity and is still grown in the Armenian regions of Aragatsotn and Vayots Dzor. It was nearly lost during the Soviet period when the emphasis was on quantity over quality, but it has seen a resurgence in recent years.
Ampelographic features Voskeak vines are medium-sized and typically trained in a bushy style. The leaves are medium-sized, three-lobed, and have a dark green color. The grape bunches are medium to large in size, conical in shape, and quite compact. The berries are medium-sized, round, and have a golden-yellow color when ripe.
Characteristics of the wine Voskeak produces both dry and semi-sweet wines that are known for their high acidity and complex aromatics. The wine typically exhibits floral and fruit notes, including apple, peach, and citrus. The palate is often elegant and balanced, with a hint of mineralty due to the volcanic soils where the grape is grown. Voskeak wines can be enjoyed young, but they also have a good aging potential.