
Grape variety Vespaiola
Synonyms Additional names for this grape are vespaiolo, bresaparola, vespara, and vesparola.
Grape colour White grape
History Vespaiola is a grape variety native to the high Vicenza region, specifically in the Breganze village. The exact origins and the era of its cultivation remain a mystery. However, records from Acerbi in 1825 confirm its existence in the Bassano and Marostica areas. The grape's name, Vespaiola, is said to be inspired by the attraction wasps have for the ripe berries and their sugars during harvest season.
Ampelographic features The Vespaiola variety showcases a small, trilobate, orbicular leaf with medium depth V-lateral veins. It has a dark green, almost glabrous upper page. Its underside is aracnoid and light green. The grape bunch is small and thin with a cylindrical-conical shape. The grape itself is of medium size with a spheroidal shape and thick skin of golden color. Its flavor is sweet and neutral.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from Vespaiola grapes displays a straw yellow hue with golden tones. The taste profile is fresh, savory, and kind to the palate.