Verdicchio Bianco

Verdicchio Bianco
Grape variety Verdicchio Bianco
Synonyms Verzello, Marchigiano, Trebbiano Verde, Uva Marana, Verdicchio Stretto, Verdicchio Peloso.
Grape colour White grape
History Verdicchio Bianco, a grape variety with a long and storied past, traces its roots back to the Marches region of Italy. The vineyards of Jesi, in particular, have been cultivating this grape since the 7th century BC. The name 'Verdicchio' is believed to be derived from the Latin words 'viridic' and 'viridis,' signifying the green hue of the wines produced from this grape.
The Verdicchio Bianco shares a striking resemblance with the Trebbiano of Soave and the Trebbiano of Lugana, suggesting a common ancestry. This theory has been further supported by DNA testing. The 15th century saw the migration of Venetian peasants to the Jesi region following a pestilence epidemic, bringing with them vine cuttings that are now recognizable as Trebbiano.
The Verdicchio Bianco grape also has a presence in the Trebbiano Verde used in the Castelli Romani region near Rome, reflecting the close ties between the Marche and the Pontifical State. However, the phylloxera crisis of the 18th century largely confined Verdicchio Bianco cultivation to the Marches and parts of Sardinia.
Ampelographic features The Verdicchio Bianco grape leaf is typically medium to large in size, orbicular or pentagonal in shape, and trilobata or quinquelobata. Its upper side is a dark green, while the underside is a pale green, cotone. The flap of the leaf may be flat or slightly wavy, with the central and lateral lobes being revolving or wavy. The main nerves on the underside are green and spotted.
The bunch is medium to large, tight or semi-tight, conical or cylindrical-conical, and occasionally winged and pyramidal. Its acino is medium-sized, round, and has a thin, consistent skin of a greenish-yellowish color. The pulp is soft and sugary, and the pedicle is medium-length, slightly slim, and green-colored.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Verdicchio Bianco grape are typically straw-yellow with greenish reflections. They possess an intense, fine aroma that ranges from fruity to floral to vegetable, with discernible citrus notes. As it ages, this wine acquires a remarkable olfactory complexity.
The taste of Verdicchio Bianco wines is characterized by a pleasant texture that balances fresh and sapid notes with more soft qualities, resulting in a wine with good taste-olfactory persistence. Additionally, this grape variety is used to produce high-quality sparkling wines.