
Grape variety Turca
Grape colour Red grape
Ampelographic features The Turca grape leaf is medium-sized, heart-shaped, and often has three to five lobes. It has a V-U open petiolar sinus, with the upper side sinuses not very pronounced. The bunch of this grape variety is usually small (around 16-18 cm), compact, and cylindrical. The berries are medium-sized (transversal diameter between 16.3 to 17.4 mm), spheroid, and very pruinose. They have a blue-black color with juicy, colorless pulp and a neutral flavor.
The most distinguishing characteristic of the Turca grape is the bright red color of the foliar petioles and the stems, particularly the peduncles of the bunches and the pedicels.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Turca grape is a deep ruby red color. It presents a predominant fruity-floral aroma, giving it a fresh and inviting nose. The palate is medium-bodied, with a savory profile. The wine has medium-high acidity, providing a crisp freshness, and a slight bitter note on the finish. This combination of characteristics gives the wine a balanced and harmonious taste.
Synonyms Turca Grape is also known under the names Uva Turca and Vitis Vinifera.
History The Turca grape variety has a long history that spans several centuries. It is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region, specifically Turkey, hence the name 'Turca'. Over time, it has been cultivated in various wine regions around the world, including Italy and Spain, due to its adaptability to different climates and soil types.