Trebbiano Romagnolo

Trebbiano Romagnolo
Grape variety Trebbiano Romagnolo
Synonyms Romagna's trebbiano, trebbiano of the flame.
Grape colour White grape
History Originating from the heart of Italy, Trebbiano Romagnolo is a member of the esteemed Trebbiani family of vines, tracing its lineage back to the time of the Romans. The name 'Trebbiano' is derived from the term 'Trebula', referring to a farmstead, highlighting its rustic origins. 'Vinum Trebulanum', a term coined by Pliny the Elder, referred to this variety as the 'house wine' or 'country wine'. Differentiating between the various clones is a challenge due to their naming often reflecting the region they dominate. Trebbiano Romagnolo finds its first mentions in sources dating back to the late Middle Ages in the Bologna province.
Ampelographic features Leaf: The leaf is medium-sized, pentagonal, and is either three-lobed or five-lobed. The petiole sinus has overlapping or adjacent edges. The upper lateral sinuses are closed while the lower ones are U-shaped and shallow. The terminal lobe has a straight tip. The leaf blade is folded and has a light green top surface. The bottom surface is gray-green, with velvety ribs and a smooth leaf blade. The main veins are not prominent and are green with a red base. The teeth are not well-defined, with convex edges and a broad base.
Bunch: The bunch is of medium size, around 20 cm in length. It is cylindrical-pyramidal in shape and slightly compact. It has one or two wings and a visible pedicel which is relatively thin and herbaceous. The pedicel is light green with a pink base.
Berry: The berry is medium in size, spherical, and regular. It has a yellowish-amber skin that can turn reddish. The skin is subtle, firm, and somewhat astringent with a persistent navel. The pulp is juicy and sweet.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Trebbiano Romagnolo grape exhibits a straw-yellow hue. It offers a fresh, savory taste on the palate, embodying the essence of its Italian roots.