
Grape variety Tintilia
Grape colour Red grape
Characteristics of the wine Wine made from Tintilia grapes boasts a deep ruby color and a complex bouquet of aromas. It offers notes of red fruits, spices, and hints of tobacco and cocoa. In the mouth, the wine is warm, full-bodied, and well-structured with a persistent finish.
Due to its high tannin content and acidity, Tintilia wine benefits from aging. This process enhances its softness and drinkability, making it a versatile pairing with a variety of dishes.
Synonyms Tintilia is also known in some regions as Turtulia.
History Tintilia is a grape variety native to the Molise region of Italy. Its cultivation dates back to the 18th century, but it was nearly forgotten until a resurgence in the 1990s. Today, it's recognized as one of the most unique and distinctive grape varieties of the region.
The name 'Tintilia' is believed to derive from the Latin word 'tinctilia' which means 'dyes', reflecting the intense color of the wine produced.
Ampelographic features The Tintilia grape vine is highly vigorous and late-ripening. It produces small, compact bunches of grapes with thick skins. The grapes are bluish-black in color. This variety is resistant to common vine diseases and adapts well to the hilly terrains and climate of the Molise region.