
Grape variety Semillon
Synonyms Hunter River Riesling, Chevrier blanc, Colombier, Malaga blanc.
Grape colour White grape
History Originally from the Bordeaux region of France, Semillon is believed to have made its way to Australia in the early 19th century. It quickly thrived in the Hunter Valley region, where it has been cultivated ever since. Despite its French origins, it is in Australia where Semillon has truly made its mark, producing distinctive wines that are internationally recognized.
Ampelographic features Leaf: medium to large in size with a slightly irregular shape, three to five lobes. The leaf's upper surface is dark green and slightly glossy, while the underside is a lighter shade of green. Petiole is open U-shaped.
Bunch: medium-sized, conical, semi-compact, with one or two wings. The peduncle is visible, thin and woody at the base.
Berry: medium-sized, spherical or slightly oblate in shape. The skin is golden-yellow in color, thick but not very tough. The flesh is juicy with a distinctive flavor.
Characteristics of the wine Wine derived from the Semillon grape exhibits a pale to rich gold color. The flavor profile can be quite diverse, ranging from fresh citrus and grassy notes in its youth to rich, honeyed and nutty characters as it ages. It has a full body and is often high in alcohol. Semillon wine is also known for its excellent aging potential.