Rossara Trentina

Rossara Trentina
Grape variety Rossara Trentina
Synonyms Some commonly identified synonyms of Rossara Trentina include 'Rossera' and 'Geschlafene'. In certain regions of Verona, the 'Molinara' grape is occasionally referred to as 'Rossara', but it's critical to note that this grape has no relation to the Rossara Trentina variety native to Trentino-Alto Adige.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Rossara Trentina grape variety, native to the Trentino-Alto Adige region, has a somewhat ambiguous origin. Historical records suggest that it was cultivated near Trento since the 19th century. It's believed to have two unique variants, possibly linked to the Edelgeschlafene grape from the Caldaro area. Despite the shared 'red' semantic origin of their names (Rossana, Rossanino, Rossola, Rossetta, Rossolina etc.), these grapes don't share a genetic connection. Detailed differentiation between these vines remains challenging due to the broad and vague descriptions provided by 19th and 20th century ampelographers.
Interestingly, the German name 'Geschlafene' is reminiscent of the medieval term for Schiava in Trentino - 'Sclaf', as documented in 1259. The less common name 'Welsche' also associates Rossara Trentina with Schiava.
Ampelographic features The Rossara Trentina showcases medium-sized leaves, mostly orbicular and trilobate or nearly whole, with a V-shaped, shallow petiolar sinus. The leaf's upper page is hairless, deep green, and opaque, while the lower page exhibits an arachnoid, light olive-green color. The leaf margins are revolute and the lobes are slightly twisted. The grapes are medium-sized, spheroid, and regular, with a persistent navel and a thin, tender, red-violet skin. The juice is colorless, and the berries are very juicy with a neutral flavor. The bunches, typically around 20 cm in length, are elongated, cylinder-pyramidal, and slightly compact.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Rossara Trentina grape variety exhibits a rosé-garnet color. On the nose, it offers a spicy-vegetal aroma. On the palate, it presents a medium-low acidity, a good flavor, and a hint of bitterness. The body of the wine is light and slightly lean.