Raboso Piave

Raboso Piave
Grape variety Raboso Piave
Synonyms Commonly known as Friularo, Rabosa Nera, and Raboso Nostrano.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Raboso Piave grape is believed to be native to the flatlands of Treviso. In the early 1700s, this grape variety made its way from Friuli, an area stretching from Istria to Piave, to Padua, where it became known as 'Friularo'. This grape has been mentioned in various historical documents from the 17th and 18th centuries of the Venetian Republic.

The grape has survived through centuries and has become a symbol of the winemaking tradition of the Piave area.
Ampelographic features The Raboso Piave vine has distinct characteristics. Its leaf is medium-sized, slightly elongated, and comes in a pentagonal-orbicular shape. The upper muscles are lateral and the lobes are medium-marked. The leaf is a bit opaque and comes in a green-grey color. The vine displays green ribs which turn partially red upon insertion.

The bunch is of medium size and compact, often appearing a bit curved. The skin of the grape is very pruinous, bleu-black, thick, and astringent. The grape itself is medium, spheroidal, and of regular shape, with a circular cross-section and a slightly fleshy, simple, sweet, acidic, astringent flavor.
Characteristics of the wine Wine produced from the Raboso Piave grape variety is intensely ruby red in color. It offers a delicate, fruity aroma with hints of Marasca cherry and violet when young, and dried fruit as it ages. The wine is dry, soft, and warm on the palate, with a robust texture. It features strong acidity and a slightly rustic tannic quality, which mellows out as the wine ages.