
Grape variety Pugnitello
Grape colour Red grape
History The Pugnitello grape has an intriguing story filled with mystery and discovery. Its origins remain a mystery, as there is no existing documentation on the variety. Believed to be lost in time, the Pugnitello was rediscovered in the 1980s and has since undergone rigorous study and cultivation. The name 'Pugnitello' is thought to derive from the Italian word 'pugno', meaning 'fist', due to the small, fist-like shape of its bunches. DNA analysis has confirmed that Pugnitello is a unique variety, distinct from the Sicilian grape 'Perricone' or 'Pignatello'.
Ampelographic features The Pugnitello grape is distinguished by its medium-sized, pentagonal leaves, which are five-lobed and exhibit a dark green hue. The leaf base is often lyre or V-shaped, and the petiole sinus is closed. The clusters are small and pyramid-shaped, resembling a fist in shape, hence its name. The berries are medium-sized with a uniform, rounded shape and a thick, coriaceous skin of a uniform blue-black color. The flesh is colorless, juicy, and bears a unique flavor hinting at grass and pepper.
Characteristics of the wine The Pugnitello grape produces a wine of a deep ruby red color. The flavor profile is robust and intense, offering a unique herbaceous character. Despite its rich taste, the wine retains a certain freshness that adds to its complexity. Its strong structure and distinct flavors make it a truly unique variety that stands out among Italian wines.
Synonyms There are no known synonyms for this grape variety.