
Grape variety Perera
Synonyms Peverise, Pear grape
Grape colour White grape
History The Perera grape originated in the Treviso province of Italy and has been cultivated since the 19th century. Its name, 'Perera', is likely derived from the distinctive pear-like flavor and shape of the grape. This grape variety was commonly used in the production of Prosecco, particularly in the Valdobbiadene region, to enhance the wine's fragrance and aroma.
With the passage of time, the cultivation of this grape variety has been carried out extensively, making it a significant part of the local viticulture.
Ampelographic features The Perera grape variety exhibits a medium to large, pentagonal, three-lobed leaf structure. The leaf has a smooth, thin surface with revolving edges and a petiole breast that is U-shaped or closed lira.
The grape bunches are medium to large, conical or pyramidal, winged with one or two wings, and moderately compact. The grape itself is medium-sized, spheroidal, and covered with a very pruinose, golden-yellow skin. The flesh is aromatic and flavorful.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Perera grape displays a straw-yellow hue with glimmers of gold. It offers an intense, fruity profile on the palate, coupled with a gentle and rounded texture. The robustness of the flavor and the aromatic nature of this wine are its distinguishing features.