
Grape variety Ottavianello
Synonyms Cinsaut en France, Ottaviano, Ottavianuccia Leccese.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Ottavianello grape originates from the town of Ottaviano, in the Campania region of Italy. Its cultivation then expanded to the Puglia region, specifically in the area of S. Vito dei Normanni, where it continues to flourish today.
Ampelographic features The Ottavianello vine boasts medium-sized leaves shaped in a pentagonal, five-lobed pattern. The vine's upper and lower side veins bear a V or closed limb shape. The surface of the leaves is smooth and thick, and they present a green bottle color on top and lighter green on the bottom. The vine produces medium-sized bunches characterized by an elongated or pyramidal shape. The individual grapes are a violet color, with a diameter of 13-15mm and an ellipsoid-obovoid shape. The pulp is juicy and consistent with a distinct sweet flavor.
Characteristics of the wine Wine produced from the Ottavianello grape presents a ruby red hue. On the palate, the wine offers a fruity, spicy flavor profile, providing a unique and pleasing experience for wine enthusiasts.