Nieddu Mannu

Nieddu Mannu
Grape variety Nieddu Mannu
Synonyms Bovale Sardo, Parma Niedda, Bovaleddu.
Grape colour Red grape
Ampelographic features The Nieddu Mannu grape vine is characterized by its large, five-lobed, pentagonal leaves. Its clusters are medium compact, pyramid-shaped, and have wings, a common trait among grape varieties of this region. The berries are large and spherical with a thick, rich peel that exhibits a deep red-purple-blue hue.
Characteristics of the wine The Nieddu Mannu grape is known for producing wines with a high alcohol content. These wines are often used in blending to contribute their vibrant color, full-bodied structure, and unique flavor profile. The resulting wine is characterized by its rich, dark fruit flavors, hints of spice, and a smooth finish. It pairs well with hearty dishes like roasted meats and aged cheeses.
History The Nieddu Mannu grape originates from the charming island of Sardinia, Italy. It's known for its rich history that dates back to the Phoenician era. Over the centuries, this grape variety has survived and thrived, and it is now an integral part of Sardinia's viticulture and wine-making tradition.
The name 'Nieddu Mannu' translates to 'Big Black' in local dialect, reflecting the grape's robust size and dark color.