

The Netherlands, often overlooked in the world of viticulture, is a unique and vibrant wine-producing region. This region is predominantly known for its white grape varieties, yielding a moderate amount of hectoliters of wine annually. The cultivation of grapes majorly takes place on a few thousand acres of land, producing a variety of wines including Dutch Quality Wine (DOCG) and Regional Wine (DOC).

Region Netherlands
Country Netherlands
Climate and soil The Netherlands experiences a temperate maritime climate, characterized by mild summers and cool winters, a condition which is generally favorable for grape cultivation. The soil of the region is typically clay or sandy, enriched with minerals that enhance the quality of the grapes. This unique combination of climate and soil results in wines with a distinct, balanced flavor profile.
The coastal regions are influenced by the Atlantic, giving the wines a characteristic freshness, while the more continental interior regions yield wines with more body and complexity due to colder conditions.