Negro Amaro

Negro Amaro
Grape variety Negro Amaro
Synonyms Nero amaro, preta amaro, uva nera.
Grape colour Red grape
History Negro Amaro is an ancient grape variety whose origins can be traced back to the Greek settlers who colonized Southern Italy around the 18th century BC. Despite its ancient roots, the first documented reference to Negro Amaro was not until 1872, when the grape was described by Achille Bruni in response to a parasitic threat to the vine. The name 'Negro Amaro' is believed to derive from its distinctive characteristics: the dark, almost black color of the wines it produces and its unique bitter aftertaste. While some etymologists suggest the name originates from the Latin 'niger' and Greek 'mavros', both meaning black, others propose it comes directly from the Salentino dialect term 'niuri maru', referring to the grape's bitter taste.
The grape is mainly cultivated in the Salento region, with a significant presence in the provinces of Brindisi and Lecce.
Ampelographic features The Negro Amaro grape has distinct features. The leaf is large, pentagonal, and either three or five-lobed. The leaf's surface is smooth with a green top and a lighter green, opaque underside. The grape cluster is medium-sized, compact, and cone-shaped. The grapes themselves are medium to large in size (15-18 mm), oblong and regular in shape with a thick, violet skin. The flesh is juicy, with a neutral flavor and colored juice. The pedicel, the part that connects the grape to the stem, is medium in length and thickness and separates from the grape with moderate ease.
Characteristics of the wine Negro Amaro grape produces wines that can range from ruby red to rosé depending on the vinification process applied. The aroma is intense and vinous with a fruity undertone suggestive of black berries. The wines have a medium body, offering a balanced combination of freshness and warmth with a subtle hint of tannin. This unique blend of characteristics makes wines produced from the Negro Amaro grape a delightful addition to any wine connoisseur's collection.