
Grape variety Negrara
Synonyms Some other names for Negrara include terodola, doleana, negrara veronese, and edelscharze.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Negrara grape, known for its rich history, originated from Trentino - Alto Adige and later made its way to Veronese. The grape variety is believed to have descended from the 'negrara or negron' and was first documented by Pollini in 1818.
Ampelographic features The Negrara grape vine has distinct traits. Its leaves are medium-sized, pentagonal and quinquelobate. The petiole breast is shaped like an open U or lyre, with deep lower lateral breasts. The upper side breasts have deep, overlapping edges. The lobes are marked, sloping, and end in an acute corner. The leaves have a light green upper side and a velvety grey lower side. The teeth are pronounced and irregular, forming two series with straight, sharp edges. The bunch is large and pyramidal, often winged with 1-2 wings. The grapes are large and spherical, with a pruinose, thick, astringent skin of blue-violet color. The pulp is juicy and the juice colorless.
The Negrara grape is easily separated from the vine.
Characteristics of the wine The Negrara grape produces a striking ruby red wine. When tasted, it offers a vinous, spicy, and tannic flavor, providing a unique and delightful experience for wine enthusiasts.