
Grape variety Nebbiolo/Chiavennasca
Synonyms Chiavennasca, Spanna, Picotendro, Prunent, Nebbiölo, Marchesano, Picotener, Picotendre, Picotendro Maschio, Picotendro, Picote.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Nebbiolo grape, also known as Chiavennasca in some regions, has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. The grape's name is believed to come from 'nebbia', the Italian word for 'fog', owing to the greyish-blue hue of the mature grapes that appears misty. Another interpretation associates the name with the late ripening of the grapes, often occurring amidst the autumnal fog. Some also believe the name Nebbiolo is derived from 'nobile', which means 'noble', alluding to the superior quality wines produced from this variety.
Ampelographic features The Nebbiolo grape possesses distinct ampelographic features. The leaf is medium to large-sized, typically around 15-18 cm, and falls between pentagonal and orbicular in shape. Leaves at the intermediate nodes are often trilobate, while those at the basal nodes are pentalobate. The leaf's upper surface is glabrous and slightly vesiculous, exhibiting an opaque green color with light green ribs. The underside is arachnoid, light green. The bunch is medium to large, usually 18-20 cm long, pyramidal-elongated in shape, and somewhat compact. The berry is of medium size, round but tending towards ellipsoid, with a thin but resistant and tannic skin. The grapes are dark violet in color but appear almost grey owing to the plentiful bloom.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Nebbiolo grape are known for their longevity. They are characterized by a ruby red color, which over time evolves towards garnet with orange nuances. The aroma of these wines is intensely elegant, featuring notes of plum and violet, enriched with undertones of undergrowth and mushrooms. After aging, they develop goudron notes. Nebbiolo wines are considered robust and austere, offering a full, warm, and tannic taste with enduring aromatic persistence.