Moscato Rosa

Moscato Rosa
Grape variety Moscato Rosa
Synonyms Moscato Rosa is also known as Rosé Muscat, Muscat Rose, Moscato Rosato, and Moscato Rosso.
Grape colour Grey/pink grape
History Moscato Rosa, an ancient vine believed to have originated from Greece, was notably grown in the regions of Dalmatia and Istria. It later made its way to Tyrol and certain areas in the province of Alexandria, particularly in Tortona. The vine's name appears to stem from its distinctive primary pink aroma, not the color of the berry which is a deep blue-black. It belongs to the Moscati family, aromatic vines named after 'muscum' or moss, a scent reminiscent in the grape.
The Greeks referred to this as 'anathelicon moschaton'. The grapes are renowned for their robust aroma and high geraniol content. They are often vinified post drying, which produces sweet and/or liqueur wines.
Ampelographic features The Moscato Rosa vine has a cuneiform leaf of medium size, often folded to eaves, with a bulbous, green-violet, opaque surface. The teeth are rectilinear and the lateral ones are convex. The underside of the leaf exhibits arachnid characteristics. The petiole breast is V-shaped with converging edges. Both the petiole and the base of the main ribs are a purple-reddish color.
The bunch is large, reaching up to 18 cm in length, conical, and compact with a wing. It is prone to acinellation, and is sometimes free from acini at certain points. The acino is pink or light red, irregular, elliptical, large (long 2 cm); with softwood pulp. The juice is colorless and muscat flavored.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Moscato Rosa grape variety exhibits a clear ruby red color. On the palate, it offers an aromatic, fragrant, and fresh profile.