
Grape variety Minutolo
Synonyms Fianello, Fiano Aromatico
Grape colour White grape
History The Minutolo grape hails from the Puglia region of Italy and has been cultivated since the 13th century. Once thought to be a sub-variety of the Fiano grape, extensive research and DNA testing in the 2000s revealed that it was not only a distinct variety but also closely related to the Moscato Bianco and Moscato di Alessandria grapes. This revelation led to the official renaming of the grape to Minutolo to avoid confusion and further cement its unique identity.
Ampelographic features The Minutolo grape is characterized by its medium-sized, pentagonal, and five-lobed leaves. Its bunches are medium compact, spatulated, and pyramid-shaped. The berries are medium-sized, spheroidal in shape, and have a consistent, yellow-green skin.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Minutolo grape exhibit a straw-yellow hue with glimmers of gold. They deliver an intense, refined, and lingering taste on the palate.