
Grape variety Maresco
Grape colour White grape
Ampelographic features The Maresco vine possesses some distinctive ampelographic characteristics. Its leaves are typically large to medium-sized, with a three-lobed or circular shape, and feature notable indentations on the surface. The bunches are medium-sized, bearing a conical form, sparsely populated, and often display a winged structure.
The grapes themselves are medium in size, with an elliptical shape that further distinguishes Maresco from other varieties.
Characteristics of the wine Wines crafted from the Maresco grape typically exhibit a straw-yellow hue, with a moderate aromatic intensity dominated by floral and herbaceous notes. Its fruity undertones are subtle yet pleasing, adding to the overall complexity of the wine's profile.
Notably, Maresco wines are recognized for their substantial alcohol content and structure, balanced by a commendable persistence of flavor and excellent acidity. This combination makes Maresco wines a delightful experience for the palate.
Synonyms No known synonyms for Maresco grape.
History Originating from the vine-rich regions of Italy, Maresco is a grape with a history steeped in tradition. Known for its role in producing wines of distinctive character, Maresco has played a significant part in Italy's viticulture since the late 19th century.
Though not as globally recognized as some other Italian grape varieties, Maresco has consistently been a part of local tradition, and its cultivation has been passed down through generations of Italian winemakers.