
Grape variety Marchione
Grape colour White grape
History Marchione is a grape variety with roots deeply embedded in the Italian wine tradition, specifically in the Apulia region. Its name is believed to have originated from the eponymous castle located in the town of Conversano, in the Bari province. Despite its obscure origins, the grape has been part of the area's viticulture for centuries.
Synonyms No known synonyms for the Marchione grape variety.
Ampelographic features The Marchione grape vine is known for its robustness and high adaptability. It commonly has medium-sized leaves with an orbicular shape. The berry is also medium-sized, blue-black in color, spherical with thick skin. It produces a compact cluster, often with one or two wings.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from Marchione grapes typically exhibit a rich, ruby red color. They are known for their full-bodied and structured character. The bouquet is typically redolent with notes of ripe red fruits, often with a hint of spice. On the palate, these wines are warm, balanced, and have a persistent finish.