Manto Negro

Manto Negro
Grape variety Manto Negro
Grape colour Red grape
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Manto Negro grape variety are known for their deep ruby color and soft tannins. They typically have a medium body with notes of ripe fruits like plum and cherry, often accompanied by a hint of spice.
While Manto Negro wines may lack the structure for aging, when blended with the superior Callet grape, they can create more structured and complex wines. Despite its tendency to oxidize, proper cultivation and winemaking techniques can harness its potential to produce delightful wines.
Synonyms Manto Negro is also known as Mantonegro and Manto Negra in different regions.
History Originating from the island of Majorca, Spain, Manto Negro is a native grape variety that has been cultivated for centuries. It played a significant role in the island's wine production, contributing to its rich wine culture.
This grape is predominantly grown in the Binissalem and Pla & Llevant regions of Majorca and has been a part of the island's viticulture heritage, shaping the character of its local wines.
Ampelographic features Manto Negro grapevines are characterized by medium to large, five-lobed leaves. The grapes themselves are medium-sized with a thick skin and are known for their deep black color. The clusters are usually compact and conical, often with a wing.