Malvasia Nera

Malvasia Nera
Grape variety Malvasia Nera
Synonyms Malvasia Nera di Lecce, Malvasia Nera di Brindisi
Grape colour Red grape
History Malvasia Nera is a grape variety that belongs to the extensive Malvasia family, with its name originating from the term used to represent wines of a similar nature produced in the Middle Ages. These wines were noted for their significant aromatic presence, high residual sugar, and alcoholic content. Originating from Greece, Malvasia Nera is speculated to be somewhat younger than its sibling, White Malvasia.
Its physical features bear a close resemblance to the Black Malvasia found in Brindisi.
Ampelographic features Leaf: Medium-small in size, with a pentagonal shape and three-lobed.
Bunch: Moderately small, assumming a cylindrical or conical shape, occasionally winged, and medium compactness.
Berry: Small in size, with an oval shape and thick, prominent black-blue skin.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Malvasia Nera grape are known for their intense red color, and often exhibit a full-bodied, robust nature. They are characterized by a high alcohol content and a distinctively fruity aroma with hints of berries. The taste profile typically reveals notes of plum, cherry, and blackberry, with a subtle hint of spice.