Malvasia Istriana

Malvasia Istriana
Grape variety Malvasia Istriana
Grape colour White grape
History Malvasia Istriana is a grape variety that traces its roots back to ancient Greece. It was spread throughout the Mediterranean by the Venetians and has been cultivated in the Istrian Peninsula since at least the 14th century. The grape has long been revered for its ability to produce balanced wines, even in the region's challenging coastal climate.
Ampelographic features Malvasia Istriana vines showcase leaves that are medium to large-sized, pentagonal in shape, and slightly three-lobed. The leaves exhibit a light green color, with a glossy surface on the upper side. The grape clusters are medium-sized, compact, and cylindrical, often with a wing. The grapes themselves are medium-sized, spheroid, and regular, with a peel of medium thickness that takes on a unique yellowish hue when ripe. The pulp is juicy and sweet.
The grape separation is easy, indicating that the grapes are ready for harvesting.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from Malvasia Istriana grapes exhibit a straw yellow color, which can vary from light to golden-yellow depending on the region and vinification process. These wines are known for their high consistency, which can be more or less marked based on the origin and processing. On the nose, the wine presents an intense and complex aroma, with floral notes, hints of lime, and in some cases, mineral notes. Depending on the aging process, the aroma can also have nuances of green olives and sweet almonds.
On the palate, Malvasia Istriana wines are typically fresh and savory, full-bodied, and well-structured. If they are more refined or richer in extracts, they tend to be softer and fresher, resulting in a finely balanced and harmonious wine.
Synonyms Malvazija Istarska, Malvasia di Parenzo