Malvasia di Candia Aromatica

Malvasia di Candia Aromatica
Grape variety Malvasia di Candia Aromatica
Synonyms Malvasia Aromatica di Candia, Malvasia Moscata, Malvasia Candida Aromatica, Malvasia Candia Aromatica, Malvasia di Candia Aromatico.
Grape colour White grape
History Malvasia di Candia Aromatica is a grape variety with a rich history, tracing its roots back to the ancient Roman times. The grape's name, 'Malvasia', is believed to be derived from Monemvasia, a Byzantine port from where the grape was spread throughout the Mediterranean.
It's particularly important in Italian viticulture, especially in Emilia-Romagna and Lazio regions. Known for its distinct and alluring aroma, it has been a cornerstone in the production of sweet and semi-sweet wines for centuries.
Ampelographic features Leaf: Medium-sized, five-lobed with a V-U petiolar sinus. The leaf is glossy green on top and light green with a slight velvet texture below. Teeth of the leaf are sharp and irregular, typical of the Muscat family.
Bunch: The bunches are pyramidal, elongated, and more than medium-sized with a visible, half-woody peduncle. The color of the bunch is a golden yellow, characteristic of Muscat grapes.
Berry: The berries are medium in size, spheroidal, with a thick and consistent skin. The pulp is juicy with a pleasing Muscat flavor. The golden-yellow color of the berries is a standout feature of this grape variety.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Malvasia di Candia Aromatica grape variety is typically light straw-yellow in color, boasting a fresh fruit aroma. The taste is pleasingly muscat-flavored, making it a particularly desirable choice for the production of sweet, semi-sweet, and sparkling wines. Its distinct aroma and flavor profile make it a unique and sought-after variety in the wine industry.