Magliocco Canino

Magliocco Canino
Grape variety Magliocco Canino
Synonyms Magliocco Dolce, Magliocco Tondo.
Grape colour Red grape
History The Magliocco Canino grape variety has a rich history rooted in the heart of Italy. It's primarily cultivated in the Calabria region, but its influence has spread to other parts of Italy like Marche and Sicily as well.
The grape is a member of the extensive Magliocchi family which is renowned in Calabrian viticulture. Of all the varieties, Magliocco Canino is distinguished by its superior winemaking potential.
The etymology of the name remains a mystery. Some believe it's derived from the small, fist-like shape of the grape bunch or the sourness of the grape. Despite some confusion with the Gaglioppo and being mistakenly called 'Mantonico nero', these are distinct grape varieties producing distinctive wines.
Ampelographic features Leaf: The leaf is large, round, and five-lobed. The leaf's outline and lobes have a twisted, revolute texture with semi-open, V-shaped lobes that slightly overlap, each edged with a tooth; The lateral sinuses tend to be open.
Bunch: The grape bunch is of medium size, conical, winged, loosely or moderately compact; The peduncle is short and woody.
Berry: The grape is medium-sized, elliptical-ovoid, non-uniform; Its skin is highly pebbly, of medium or thicker consistency, ranging in color from red-violet to blue-black; The flesh is red.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Magliocco Canino grape is a vibrant ruby red color. It presents a warm, fruity taste on the palate, exhibiting both finesse and elegance.