
Grape variety Maceratino
Synonyms Arivona, Matelicano, Montecchiese, Rivona, and Greco are all synonyms for Maceratino.
Grape colour White grape
History Maceratino, a grape variety with a rich history, traces its origins back to the Roman era in the Marches region. The grape's name likely comes from its strong presence in the Macerata area. It is speculated to have evolved from the Greek vine, which is believed to be a descendant of the 'aminee' vines once cultivated in the area of Faleria, now known as Falerone.
Ampelographic features The Maceratino vine features medium-large to large, orbicular, five-lobed leaves with a wavy profile and a vesicular, bumpy surface. The leaf's upper side is a vibrant green, while the lower side has a fluffy texture. The vine produces medium-large to large, tight, cylindrical-conical bunches. The grapes are medium in size, spheroidal in shape, and possess a pruinose, medium-thick peel that is golden brown with visible dark scars. The navel of the grape is notably flashy.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Maceratino grape is a transparent straw yellow color. It offers a distinctive flavor profile, characterized by a sapid, dry, and light taste on the palate.