Incrocio Manzoni 1.50

Incrocio Manzoni 1.50
Grape variety Incrocio Manzoni 1.50
Grape colour Grey/pink grape
History Incrocio Manzoni 1.50 is a grape variety born from the innovative mind of Professor Luigi Manzoni in the 1930s. It was during his tenure at the Scuola Enologica di Conegliano that he experimented with hybridization of various grape varieties. The goal was to improve vine resilience and enhance the sensory qualities of their wines. From this experimentation, a family of grape varieties known as Incroci Manzoni emerged, one of which is the Incrocio Manzoni 1.50. This unique grape is a crossbreed of Trebbiano Romagnolo and the fragrant Traminer.
Ampelographic features The Incrocio Manzoni 1.50 vine is characterized by its medium-sized, orbicular, trilobate leaves. The grapes it bears are medium-small, found in pyramid-shaped, moderately compact clusters. Each grape is spherical in shape, with a medium-thick skin that carries a natural, pruinose wax layer giving it a pinkish hue.
Characteristics of the wine Wine produced from the Incrocio Manzoni 1.50 grape offers a beautiful straw yellow gold hue and carries potent aromatic notes of rose and apricot. The palate is rich and full, with sweetness that is balanced by a refreshing taste. The finish leaves a distinct impression with a characteristic hint of bitter almond.
Synonyms Manzoni 1.50