
Grape variety Harslevelu
Synonyms Lipovina, Feuille de Tilleul, Lindenblättriger, Frunza de tei, Linden Leaf
Grape colour White grape
History Harslevelu, a grape variety with a rich history, originates from Hungary where it has been grown since the middle ages. The name 'Harslevelu' translates to 'Linden Leaf', inspired by the shape of the grape's leaves that resemble those of a Linden tree.
Over the centuries, it has gained popularity and is now cultivated not only in its homeland but also in Slovakia and South Africa.
Characteristics of the wine The Harslevelu grape variety is known for producing wines that are rich and aromatic, often used in the production of late harvest and botrytized wines. The wines exhibit an intense aroma profile, featuring notes of elderflower, honey, and spices. When vinified as a single varietal, it results in a full-bodied, dense, green-gold wine with a characteristic spice and pollen aroma. The palate can expect a harmonious balance of acidity and sweetness.
Ampelographic features The Harslevelu grape variety exhibits medium sized bunches with small to medium, round, yellow-green berries, which are thick-skinned. The leaves bear a striking resemblance to Linden tree leaves, hence the name 'Linden Leaf'. This variety is generally harvested in the middle of October.