Groppello gentile

Groppello gentile
Grape variety Groppello gentile
Synonyms Other names for Groppello Gentile include Groppello Comune, and Groppello Fino.
Grape colour Red grape
History Groppello Gentile hails from the 16th century, with records showing its cultivation since 1550. However, it's worth noting that during this period, several grape varieties shared the name due to their similar cluster formations.
This grape variety has a long-standing heritage in Italy, particularly in the Lombardy region where it is still widely grown today.
Ampelographic features The Groppello Gentile vine displays medium-sized, pentagonal, elongated leaves with a dark green color. The underside of the leaves is light green with glabrous hairs at the intersection of ribs.
The grapes are medium-sized, spheroidal, and bear a consistent, pruinose peel of blue-violet color. The pulp is soft and juicy, producing a colorless and neutral flavored juice.
The clusters are of medium compactness, elongated conical-cylindrical in shape, with a visible, large, half-legged, green-pink peduncle. The pedicel is short and green, while the brush is short and violet.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Groppello Gentile grape variety are typically ruby red in color. They offer a spicy aroma, with a taste profile that is savory, moderately fresh, and slightly alcoholic. These characteristics make Groppello Gentile wine a unique and enjoyable choice for wine enthusiasts.