Grecanico Dorato

Grecanico Dorato
Grape variety Grecanico Dorato
Synonyms Grecanicu, Grecanico Bianco, Garganega.
Grape colour White grape
History Grecanico Dorato, a Sicilian gem amongst the white grape varieties, has its roots deeply tied to the ancient Greeks. The grape's introduction to southern Italy in the 7th century BC by the colonial Greeks is a testament to its historical significance. Despite its ancient roots, there are no written records of this vine until the late Renaissance. In 1696, Cupani made the first known reference to a vine named Grecani. The vine found more recognition in 1835 when Abbot Jeremiah detailed its presence in his treatise, 'Stafulegrafia', noting its prevalence in the town of Randazzo and throughout Trapani. The Abbot's account also mentioned the vine's vulnerability to acinification and casting.
Ampelographic features Leaf: The Grecanico Dorato's leaf is medium-sized, pentagonal, and quinquelobate. The lower lobes are less prominent than the upper ones. The upper surface is light green, wrinkled, and thin with the main ribbing lantern-shaped. The underside is greenish-pale, plush with ribs of I and II order almost cotton-like. The vine bears partially red, protruding ribs of I, II, and III order.
Bunch: The bunches are medium-sized, elongated, and cylindrical with one or two wings. The peduncle is short, herbaceous, and light gray. The berries are medium-sized, spheroidal-ellipsoid, and of regular shape with a yellow-golden skin, thick and consistent. The flesh is juicy with a simple and sweet flavor.
Characteristics of the wine Wine from the Grecanico Dorato grape presents a stunning gold hue and dry tones, balanced with a pleasing alcohol content and a refreshing freshness. It boasts an olfactory palette of white fruit and aromatic herbs, offering a balanced floral harmony. The wine is complex and elegant, with its aromatic profile varying across different regions of Sicily. In central Sicily, the wine often exhibits tropical aromas of melon and pineapple, complemented by refined notes of peaches and plums.