Grappello Ruberti

Grappello Ruberti
Grape variety Grappello Ruberti
Grape colour Red grape
History The Grappello Ruberti grape has a rich history that can be traced back to the Mantuan Oltrepò region where it is primarily cultivated. This grape variety gained official recognition by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry in 2013, distinguishing it from the Lambrusco Viadanese. Prior to this, it was largely used in the production of Lambrusco Mantovano, which has been a DOC product since 1987. The Cantina Sociale di Quistello region has been especially integral to the growth and cultivation of this grape variety.
Ampelographic features The Grappello Ruberti grape variety features a medium-sized bunch that is cylindrically elongated. The berries are also medium in size, spherical in shape, and carry a blue-black coloring.
Characteristics of the wine Wine derived from the Grappello Ruberti grape exhibits a fairly intense ruby red color. It is distinctively acidulous and moderately alcoholic, with a tannic profile. This variety is also known for its slight sparkling character.
Synonyms At present, there are no known synonyms for the Grappello Ruberti grape variety.