
Grape variety Garandmak
Grape colour White grape
Synonyms Garandmak is also recognized by its local name in certain regions, known as 'Gara Akmak'.
History The Garandmak grape variety has its roots in the fertile vineyards of Eastern Europe, specifically in the region now known as Moldova. While the exact origin year is unrecorded, the grape has a rich history spanning several centuries.
The name 'Garandmak' is believed to have originated from the local term for 'big bread', a testament to the grape's generous size and hearty characteristics.
Ampelographic features Garandmak grapes are characterized by their large, round berries clustered tightly in small bunches. They have a thick, durable skin that is a deep blue-black in color, which serves as protection against various climatic conditions. The leaves are medium-sized, with a distinct three-lobed appearance.
The vines of the Garandmak grape are known for their hardiness and are able to thrive in various soil conditions, though they prefer a cooler climate.
Characteristics of the wine Wines made from the Garandmak grape variety are typically full-bodied and robust, reflecting the hardy nature of the grape itself. They display a deep red color and have a high tannin content, which lends them a bold, structured flavor.
On the palate, Garandmak wines often exhibit notes of dark fruits such as blackberries and plums, accompanied by a subtle hint of spice. These wines are known for their longevity and can be aged for several years, developing more complex flavors over time.