
Grape variety Forastera
Synonyms Forastera is also known by a few other names such as furastiera, forestiera and frastera.
Grape colour White grape
History Forastera grape has an interesting history that dates back to the 19th century. It was brought to the island of Ischia as a response to the phylloxera disease that was affecting the local grapes. Over time, this grape variety adapted so well to the local climate and conditions that it is now considered native to the island. The name 'Forastera' hints at its foreign origins.
Ampelographic features The Forastera grape exhibits unique ampelographic features. The leaf is large, mostly orbicular and kidney-shaped, often with five lobes. It exhibits an open U-shaped pectoral sinus and an overlapping V-shaped upper sinus. The leaves are glabrous on the upper side, with a spider web-like appearance on the underside. The leaf blade is flat with a smooth surface and toothed edges. The bunch is medium-sized, cylindrical or pyramid-shaped, and can be winged. The berries are medium-sized, elliptical, with a prominent navel. The skin of the grape is straw-colored with greenish reflections.
Characteristics of the wine Wine produced from the Forastera grape is typically straw yellow in color, clear and bright. On the palate, it offers a dry, fresh, and light taste which is characteristic of the Forastera grape variety.