Criolla Grande

Criolla Grande
Grape variety Criolla Grande
Grape colour Red grape
History The Criolla Grande grape, a popular variety, has its roots deeply embedded in the rich soils of Argentina. Despite its prevalence, it remains an enigma to most of the world. This grape is second in line to Malbec in Argentina's vineyard landscape. However, its primary use is not for refined wine production, but instead, for producing a rather simple, everyday wine consumed mostly by locals. The grape's primary habitat is the renowned Mendoza region, where it shares its space with the Cereza grape, a frequent blending partner.
Synonyms No known synonyms for Criolla Grande.
Ampelographic features Criolla Grande is recognized by its large, vigorous vines that bear pink-skinned berries. The bunches are large and compact, with round, medium-sized berries. The grape has a fairly thick skin with a natural high yield, making it an ideal choice for high-volume production.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Criolla Grande grape are often described as unpretentious and straightforward. They offer a light-bodied palate, with modest complexity. The wine's color is typically a pale rose, and flavors often hint towards floral and fruity notes. Due to its simple profile, it's primarily consumed locally and is frequently blended with other varieties to enhance its appeal.