
Grape variety Cortese
Synonyms Cortese di Gavi, Cortese dell’Asti, Cortese della Val d’Alessandria.
Grape colour White grape
History Cortese grape has a long-standing history in Piedmont region, dating back as far as the 17th century. It was a highly popular grape variety until the phylloxera epidemic in the 19th century which significantly reduced its cultivation.
However, in the early 1950s, the grape variety revived due to the efforts of Mario Soldati. The grape regained its prominence primarily in the Gavi region, leading to substantial productions.
Ampelographic features Leaf: Medium to large-sized, pentagonal, five-lobed; petiole sinus closed with overlapping edges; upper lateral sinuses closed; lower lateral sinuses lyre-shaped, closed; upper surface glabrous, dark green.
Cluster: Medium to large-sized, spatulate; conical-pyramidal with one or two wings, about 20-25 cm in length; semi-woody stalk visible up to the first branch; medium-length green pedicels.
Berry: Medium to large-sized, slightly elliptical, circular in cross-section; medium-thick skin, not very waxy, yellow-gold color exposed to sun, greenish-yellow in shaded areas; persistent, prominent navel; flesh is juicy, simple but distinctive, pleasant; the berry easily separates from the stalk.
Characteristics of the wine Cortese grape yields wines that exhibit an exceptional balance of elegance and harmony. The wines range from fresh, youthful varieties to those that have undergone extended aging in oak or bottle, accentuating its unique character and complexity.
Both classic and Charmat method sparkling versions are highly valued for their freshness, texture, and harmony.