Caino Tinto

Caino Tinto
Grape variety Caino Tinto
Synonyms Caiño Tinto, Cainho, Tintoreira
Grape colour Red grape
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Caino Tinto grape variety are often high in acidity and have a strong aromatic profile. These wines usually exhibit flavors of red and black fruits, alongside herbal notes, contributing to their complexity.
They are also known for their deep color and strong tannins which allow for good ageing potential. Despite their intensity, these wines still manage to retain a certain freshness and balance, making them quite unique.
History The Caino Tinto, also referred to as Caiño Tinto, is a red grape variety that finds its origins in Galicia, a region in North-western Spain.
This grape variety is known for its late ripening and is primarily grown in the Rías Baixas DO region. Over the years, this grape variety has also made its way to other regions like Portugal and Australia.
Ampelographic features The Caino Tinto grapevine is typically characterized by its late maturation and high resistance to diseases. The bunches of this grape are medium-sized and compact, with elliptical and medium-sized berries.
Their skin is thick and dark in color, often a deep blue-black, which contributes to the rich color of the wines made from this variety.