
Grape variety Boschera
Grape colour White grape
Ampelographic features The Boschera vine is characterized by its large, pentagonal, five-lobed leaves. The clusters are usually compact and medium in size, adopting a pyramidal shape. The berries are medium-sized with a thick skin that is lightly pruinose and spotted, displaying a yellowish-green color.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Boschera grape have a distinctive golden straw yellow color. They are known for their fruity and mineral qualities, with dominant notes of unripe apple and citrus. The palate is often described as ethereal, offering a unique taste experience.
Synonyms Boschera is also known in some regions as Tocai Italico.
History Boschera, a grape variety native to Italy, has a history that dates back several centuries. It is believed to have originated in the Veneto region, particularly in the Prosecco area.
This grape has been cultivated traditionally by small vineyard owners and its cultivation has been largely localized, contributing to the unique character and quality of wines produced from this grape.