
Grape variety Biancolella
Synonyms Notable pseudonyms for Biancolella include Biancolella di Ischia and Biancolella d’Ischia.
Grape colour White grape
History Biancolella, a white grape variety, has strong roots in Italy, specifically on the island of Ischia located in the Bay of Naples. The grape is believed to have been brought over from France, where it was known as Petite Blanche, in ancient times. The earliest documented presence of this grape in Ischia dates back to the mid-19th century, around 1868, where it quickly became a prominent cultivar. Its detailed scientific description, however, was not published until the turn of the 20th century by researchers De Vermorel and Viala. Some historical records also suggest that Greek colonists might have introduced this grape variety to Corsica during the 7th and 6th centuries BC.
Ampelographic features The Biancolella grape vine exhibits medium-sized, orbicular, trilobate leaves, often with two slightly pronounced lower lobes. The leaf surface appears smooth on the top side, while the underside is somewhat fluffy. The leaf edge is jagged with irregular teeth. The grapes themselves are medium-sized (approximately 12 to 15 mm in diameter), round, and often irregular due to compression. The grape skin is thin and tender, with a straw-green color and a pruinose texture. The juice is colorless, and the pulp is juicy with a neutral taste. The pedicel is medium-length, green, and rather visible, making it easy to separate from the grape.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Biancolella grape are typically straw-colored with verdoline tints. The aroma profile is simple yet vinous and aromatic, with notes of white fruits and flowers. High-quality Biancolella wines may also exhibit intense scents of aromatic herbs and occasional sweet honey undertones. On the palate, Biancolella wines are fresh, light, and easy to drink, with some varieties demonstrating a well-balanced savoriness.