Bianchetta Genovese

Bianchetta Genovese
Grape variety Bianchetta Genovese
Synonyms Bianchetta bianca, Gianchetto, Giunchetto
Grape colour White grape
Ampelographic features Bianchetta Genovese possesses a distinctive leaf structure. It has a medium-sized, pentagonal and five-lobed leaf. The leaf's upper side presents a dark green hue while the underside is lighter, featuring downy tomentum and setose main veins.
The grape bunches at maturity are medium in size, compact, and possess an elongated cylindrical-conical shape. Berries are distinguished by their spheroid shape, pruinose skin, and a golden hue when exposed to the sun.
Characteristics of the wine The Bianchetta Genovese grape yields a white wine characterized by a pale straw-yellow color. The wine carries a delicate aroma and offers a fresh, dry, and light palate.
Typically consumed within its first year, it pairs excellently with traditional Ligurian dishes such as focaccia, pies and meatballs, and mescciüa.
History Bianchetta Genovese is a white grape variety native to the Liguria region of Italy.
Its historical origins can be traced back to the 17th century where it was first cultivated in the coastal areas of Genoa.
Despite its limited cultivation in recent years, Bianchetta Genovese has experienced a renaissance of sorts, with winemakers rediscovering the unique qualities it brings to their white wines.