
Grape variety Biancame
Synonyms Bianchello, Uva Bianca, Balsamina Bianca, Greco Bianco, Morbidella, Biancone, Biancuccio, Greco, Greco Bianchello.
Grape colour White grape
History The Biancame grape variety is a historical one, tracing its lineage back to ancient times. Originating several centuries BC, it wasn't until 500 BC that the grape began to gain popularity. The Roman historian Tacitus even posited that wines produced from Biancame, known then as Bianchello, played a role in the defeat of Carthaginian general Hasdrubal, with the Roman forces taking advantage of the enemy's drunkenness. The Biancame grape started gaining recognition in 1969, leading to the creation of the Bianchello del Metauro DOC.
Ampelographic features The Biancame grape features medium to large sized leaves, with a pentagonal, five-lobed shape. The leaf surface is a slightly pale green, bulging and vesicular. The grape bunches are semi-tight, cylindrical-conical in shape, often winged and two-colored. The grapes themselves are medium in size, round, with a smooth cross-section. The skin is thin and not highly consistent, yellowish in color and often speckled with brownish spots. The pulp is juicy with a simple flavor.
Characteristics of the wine The wine produced from the Biancame grape exhibits a straw-yellow hue. It is known for its fruity and spicy notes, offering a fresh taste on the palate. The wine is often enjoyed for its refreshing and balanced profile.