Bekaa Valley

Bekaa Valley

The Bekaa Valley, a fertile haven stretching over 120 km in length and varying from 8 to 12 km in width, is Lebanon's most prominent wine-producing region. It is traversed by the Litani River to the south and the Orontes River to the north, providing excellent drainage. The region's soil composition is a unique blend of permeable conglomerates and yellowish to reddish soils that are particularly conducive to viticulture. The valley is renowned for its production of high-quality DOC and DOCG wines, thanks to the abundance of vineyards that spread over its vast acres of land.

Region Bekaa Valley
Country Lebanon
Climate and soil The Bekaa Valley enjoys a Mediterranean climate characterized by mild, damp winters and exceptionally hot, dry summers. The area's rainfall is somewhat sparse, particularly in the northern parts due to the Lebanon Mountains acting as a rain shield, inhibiting the passage of moisture-laden clouds from the sea. This results in an average annual rainfall of around 230 mm in the northern areas, compared to the 610 mm received in the central valley. This unique combination of climate and fertile soil creates the perfect environment for growing a variety of grapes that produce wines with distinct characteristics.