
Grape variety Abrusco
Grape colour Red grape
History Abrusco is a grape of ancient lineage, native to the Tuscan region of Italy. The grape shares a close relationship with the Abrostine variety, as both are believed to have originated from the domestication of wild grapes in the area. It's now mostly found in small quantities in the province of Florence. It is part of the 'color grapes' group, similar to the Colorino grape variety which it often grows alongside.
Ampelographic features Abrusco grapevines feature leaves of medium size, shaped pentagonally and typically five-lobed. The clusters grow to a medium size, forming in a pyramidal shape. The grapes themselves are small and spheroidal, with a rich blue-black skin.
Characteristics of the wine Wines produced from the Abrusco grape are noted for their deep ruby-red hue. They offer an intense and refined taste that lingers on the palate, providing a persistent finish.
Synonyms Abrusco is also known by the names Abrusco Nero and Abruscola.